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Valérie Reeb (Graduate Student / Postdoctoral Research Associate)Currently, I am doing a post-doctorate at the Carver Center for Genomics. My main task is to prepare samples for next generation sequencing. University of Iowa valerie-reeb@uiowa.edu Education: Research Interests:
Current Research: Publications: Knudsen, K., V. Reeb, M. Westberg, R. Srikantha, and D. Bhattacharya. 2010. Acarospora rosulata in Europe, North America, and Asia. The lichenologist (in press). Reeb, V., and D. Bhattacharya. 2010. The Thermo-Acidophilic Cyanidiophyceae (Cyanidiales). Book chapter (in press). Reeb, V., M.T. Peglar, H.-S. Yoon, J.R. Bai, M. Wu, P. Siu, J.L. Grafenberg, A.R. Prieto, S.E. Rümmele, J. Gross, D. Bhattacharya. 2009. Interrelationships of chromalveolated within a broadly sampled tree of photosynthetic protists. Molecular phylogenetic and evolution 53: 202-211). Knudsen, K., J.A. Elix, and V. Reeb. 2008. A Preliminary Study of the Genera Acarospora and Pleopsidium in South America. Opuscula Philolichenum 5: 1-22. Reeb, V., P. Haugen, D. Bhattacharya and F. Lutzoni. 2007. Evolution of Pleopsidium (lichenized Ascomycota) S943 group I introns and the phylogeography of an intron-encoded putative homing endonuclease. Journal of Molecular Evolution 64:285-298. Hibbett, D. S., M. Binder, J. F. Bischoff, M. Blackwell, P. F. Cannon, O. Eriksson, S. Huhndorf, T. James, P. M. Kirk, R. Lücking, T. Lumbsch, F. Lutzoni, P. B. Matheny, D. J. McLaughlin, M. J. Powell, S. Redhead, C. L. Schoch, J. W. Spatafora, J. A. Stalpers, R. Vilgalys, M. C. Aime, A. Aptroot, R. Bauer, D. Begerow, G. L. Benny, L. A. Castlebury, P. W. Crous, Y.- C. Dai, W. Gams, D. M. Geiser, G. W. Griffith, C. Gueidan, D. L. Hawksworth, G. Hestmark, K. Hosaka, R. A. Humber, K. Hyde, U. Koljalg, C. P. Kurtzman, K.-H. Larsson, R. Lichtward, J. Longcore, J. Miadlikowska, A. Miller, J.-M. Monclavo, S. Mozley- Standridge, F. Oberwinkler, E. Parmasto, V. Reeb, J. D. Rogers, C. Roux, L. Ryvarden, J. P. Sampaio, A. Schuessler, J. Sugiyama, R. G. Thorn, L. Tibell, W. A. Untereiner, C. Walker, Z. Wang, A. Weir, M. Weiss, M. White, K. Winka, Y.-J. Yao, N. Zhang. 2007. A higher-level phylogenetic classification of the Fungi. Mycological Research 111:509-547. James, T.Y., F. Kauff, C. Schoch, P.B. Matheny, V. Hofstetter, C.J. Cox, G. Celio, C. Guiedan, E. Fraker, J. Miadlikowska, T. Lumbsch, A. Rauhut, V. Reeb, A.E. Arnold, A. Amtoft, J.E. Stajich, K. Hosaka, G.-H. Sung, D. Johnson, B. O’Rourke, M. Binder, J.M. Curtis, J.C. Slot, Z. Wang, A.W. Wilson, A. Schüßler, J.E. Longcore, K. O’Donnell, S. Mozley-Standridge, D. Porter, P.M. Letcher, M.J. Powell, J.W. Taylor, M.M. White, G.W. Griffith, D.R. Davies, J. Sugiyama, A.Y. Rossman, J.D. Rogers, D.H. Pfister, D. Hewitt, K. Hansen, S. Hambleton, R.A. Shoemaker, J. Kohlmeyer, B. Volkmann-Kohlmeyer, R.A. Spotts, M. Serdani, P.W. Crous, K.W. Hughes, K.Matsuura, E. Langer, G. Langer, W.A. Untereiner, R. Lücking, B. Büde, D.M. Geiser, A. Aptroot, W.R. Buck, M.S. Cole, P. Diederich, C. Printzen, I. Schmitt, M. Schultz, R. Yahr, A. Zavarzin, D.S. Hibbett, F. Lutzoni, D.J. McLaughlin, J.W. Spatafora, R. Vilgalys. 2006. Reconstructing the early evolution of the fungi using a six gene phylogeny. Nature 443, 818 – 822. Bhattacharya D., V. Reeb, D. Simon and F. Lutzoni. 2005. Phylogenetic evidence for the reverse splicing spread of group I introns in fungal ribosomal DNA. BMC Evolutionary Biology 5:68. Lutzoni, F., Kauff, F., Cox, J. C., McLaughlin, D., Celio, G., Dentinger, B., Padamsee, M., Hibbett, D., James, T. Y., Baloch, E., Grube, M., Reeb, V., Hofstetter, V., Shcoch, C., Arnold, A. E., Miadlikowska, J., Spatafora, J., Johnson, D., Hambleton, S., Crockett, M., Shoemaker, R., Sung, G.-H., Lücking, R., Lumbsch, T., O’Donnell, K., Binder, M., Diederich, P., Ertz, D., Gueidan, C., Hansen, K., Harris, R. C., Hosaka, K., Lim, Y.-W., Matheny, B., Nishida, H., Pfister, D., Rogers, J., Rossman, A., Schmitt, I., Sipman, H., Stone, J., Sugiyama, J., Yahr, R., and Vilgalys, R. 2004. Assembling the fungal tree of life: Progress, classification, and evolution of subcellular traits. American Journal of Botany 91:1446-1480. Reeb V., Lutzoni F. and Roux C. 2004. Contribution of RPB2 to multilocus phylogenetic studies of the euascomycetes (Pezizomycotina, Fungi) with special emphasis on the lichen-forming Acarosporaceae and evolution of polyspory. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 32(3): 1036-1060. Haugen, P., Reeb V., Lutzoni F. and Bhattacharya D. 2004. The evolution of homing endonuclease genes and group I introns in nuclear rDNA. Molecular Biology and Evolution 21(1): 129-140. Lutzoni, F., Pagel, M., Reeb, V. 2001. Major fungal lineages are derived from lichen symbiotic ancestors. Nature 411(June21): 937-940. Bhattacharya, D., Lutzoni, F., Reeb, V., Simon, D., Nason, J., Fernandez, F. 2000. Widespread occurrence of spliceosomal introns in the rDNA genes of ascomycetes. Molecular Biology and Evolution 17:1971-1984. Lutzoni, F., Wagner, P., Reeb V., and Zoller, S. 2000. Integrating ambiguously aligned regions of DNA sequences in phylogenetic analyses without violating positional homology. Systematic Biology 49:628-651. Bjelland, T., G. Halleraker, V. Reeb and T. Tønsberg. 1997. The chemotypes of Cetrelia olivetorum in Norway. Graphis Scripta 8: 5-7. |